12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Daniella Genovese

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12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors
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While the kitchen is a vibrant and essential part of any home, it can also be a breeding ground for unpleasant smells. The smell of the day before meals, stains from previous days, and the stench of the garbage can bring freshness in your space to an end very quickly. Luckily there are some real life ways to deal with these odors and keep your kitchen smelling fresh. With the help of 12 Tips for eliminating kitchen odors, including regular cleaning and using natural deodorants, you will be able to keep the kitchen aroma pleasant. Learning about the causes of odor and how to get rid of them can always make a significant difference in the kitchen.

12 Tips for Eliminating kitchen odours | THE inside decor

The kitchen is a vital and lively space within a house, but it is also a location that has the potential of producing undesirable odors. Thankfully, 12 tips for eliminating kitchen odors can help. Implementing these strategies requires more than just occasional cleaning; it demands a proactive daily approach. Regular habits like always throwing the trash and cleaning every spill on time and using natural masking agents like baking soda and lemon will help getting rid of objectionable smells. With these practical tips, your kitchen will remain a comfortable area appropriate for preparing food and sharing time with family.

1. Identifying the Source of Odors

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

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Before you can effectively tackle kitchen odors, it is crucial to identify their source. Common culprits include:

  • Food waste: Leftover food, spoiled food, and food scraps can emit strong odors.
  • Garbage: A full or uncleaned garbage bin can emit foul smells.
  • Cooking residues: Browning and food residue on a stove top, counters, and inside an oven also contribute to odor.
  • Refrigerator contents: This one might seem obvious but food that has gone bad or anything that has been dropped on the fridge can make it smell bad.
  • Drains and garbage disposals: Food particles stuck in the sink drain or in an garbage disposal also cause bad odors.

Once you’ve identified the source, you can take targeted steps to eliminate the odor.

2. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Routine cleaning and maintenance are essential for preventing and eliminating kitchen odors. Here are some key practices:

  • Clean as you go: Develop a habit of washing surfaces, utensils, appliances, etc., as soon as they have been used. This includes washing and sanitizing counters, table tops, stove tops and cutting boards where food residues have been left.
  • Take out the trash regularly: Dispose of food waste and take out the garbage frequently. It is useful to use trash bags with some odor control ability and always wash the bin after some time.
  • Empty and clean the refrigerator: Regularly check the fridge for expired or spoiled food. Clean shelves and drawers with a solution made from water and baking soda to eliminate nasty smells.
  • Maintain your garbage disposal: Run your garbage disposal with cold water and a few ice cubes to clean the blades. Another remedy that involves both baking soda and vinegar is also efficient in clearing the disposal.

3. Natural Deodorizers

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Natural deodorizers are effective and eco-friendly solutions for eliminating kitchen odors. Here are some popular options:

  • Baking soda: Keep an open box of baking soda in your refrigerator, freezer and pantry to remove odors. You can also spread baking soda in your garbage bin before adding a new bag.
  • Vinegar: White vinegar has properties that help eliminate spotty smells altogether. Place a bowl of vinegar on the countertop to absorb odors, or boil a cup of the vinegar mixed with water on the stove.
  • Lemon: Take a lemon, slice it and put it in the refrigerator or put it in the microwave to neutralize odors. You can also run lemon peels through the garbage disposal for a fresh scent.
  • Coffee grounds: Coffee grounds that have been used before have also been known to neutralize odors. Place a bowl of dry coffee grounds in your fridge or pantry.
  • Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal has ability to absorb materials with strong smell, and thus it is excellent material for absorbing odors. Put a few charcoal briquettes in a container with holes and keep it in one of the kitchen’s cupboard.

4. Ventilation

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Proper ventilation is crucial for keeping your kitchen smelling fresh. Here are some tips to improve airflow:

  • Use exhaust fans: Turn on exhaust fans while cooking to remove steam, smoke, and odors. Make sure your exhaust fans are clean and in good working condition.
  • Open windows: If weather permits, open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. This helps dissipate cooking odors and bring in fresh air.
  • Ceiling fans: If you have a ceiling fan in your kitchen, use it to improve air circulation.

5. Preventing Odors During Cooking

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Preventing odors during cooking can save you from dealing with them afterward. Here are some strategies:

  • Cover pots and pans: Use lids to cover pots and pans while cooking to contain odors.
  • Use a splatter screen: A splatter screen can help reduce grease splatters and prevent odors from spreading.
  • Cook with an exhaust fan: Turn on the exhaust fan or range hood while cooking to remove odors and steam.
  • Simmer a pleasant aroma: While cooking, simmer a pot of water with aromatic ingredients like cinnamon sticks, cloves, or citrus peels to mask cooking odors.

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6. Cleaning Appliances

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Kitchen appliances can harbor odors if not cleaned regularly. Here are some tips for cleaning common appliances:

  • Microwave: Place a bowl of water with lemon slices or vinegar in the microwave and heat it for a few minutes. This will loosen food particles and neutralize odors. Wipe down the interior with a damp cloth.
  • Oven: Clean spills and splatters in the oven regularly. Use a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub the interior. For persistent odors, place a bowl of vinegar in the oven and let it sit overnight.
  • Dishwasher: Check the dishwasher for food debris and clean the filter regularly. Run an empty cycle with vinegar or a dishwasher cleaner to eliminate odors.
  • Refrigerator: Clean the fridge regularly, removing expired food and wiping down surfaces with a mixture of water and baking soda. Place an open box of baking soda or activated charcoal in the fridge to absorb odors.

7. Managing Garbage

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Garbage is a common source of kitchen odors. Here are some tips for managing it effectively:

  • Use odor-controlling trash bags: Invest in trash bags with built-in odor control features.
  • Clean the trash bin: Wash the trash bin regularly with soap and water. For stubborn odors, use a mixture of baking soda and water.
  • Compost food waste: Consider composting food scraps to reduce the amount of organic waste in your garbage. Use a compost bin with a lid to contain odors.
  • Freeze food waste: If you can’t take out the trash immediately, store food waste in a sealed container in the freezer to prevent odors.

8. Deodorizing Drains and Garbage Disposals

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Drains and garbage disposals can trap food particles and develop unpleasant odors. Here are some tips for deodorizing them:

  • Flush with boiling water: Pour boiling water down the drain to dissolve grease and flush away food particles.
  • Baking soda and vinegar: Pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain. Let it sit for a few minutes, then flush with hot water.
  • Lemon and ice cubes: Run lemon peels and ice cubes through the garbage disposal to clean and deodorize it.
  • Use a drain cleaner: Use a natural or commercial drain cleaner to remove buildup and odors.

9. Air Fresheners and Scented Candles

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Air fresheners and scented candles can provide a pleasant fragrance in your kitchen. Here are some options:

  • Essential oil diffusers: Use an essential oil diffuser with your favorite scents to keep the kitchen smelling fresh.
  • Scented candles: Light scented candles while cooking or after cleaning to mask odors and create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Natural air fresheners: Make your own air freshener by mixing water, vodka, and essential oils in a spray bottle. Use it to freshen the air and surfaces.

10. Preventing Future Odors

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

Preventing future odors requires consistent habits and maintenance. Here are some tips to keep your kitchen smelling fresh:

  • Stay organized: Keep your kitchen organized and clutter-free. Regularly clean and declutter countertops, cabinets, and the pantry.
  • Store food properly: Store food in airtight containers to prevent spills and odors. Label and date leftovers to ensure they are used before they spoil.
  • Use natural cleaning products: Opt for natural cleaning products like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon to clean and deodorize surfaces.
  • Practice good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently, especially after handling food. Keep dishcloths and sponges clean and replace them regularly.

11. Seasonal Deep Cleaning

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

In addition to regular cleaning, seasonal deep cleaning can help eliminate hidden odors and maintain a fresh kitchen. Here are some deep cleaning tasks to consider:

  • Clean behind appliances: Move appliances like the refrigerator and stove to clean behind and underneath them. This will remove food particles and dust that can cause odors.
  • Clean cabinets and drawers: Empty cabinets and drawers, wipe down the interiors, and reorganize the contents.
  • Wash curtains and blinds: Wash or replace curtains and blinds to remove dust and odors.
  • Clean light fixtures: Dust and clean light fixtures and ceiling fans to prevent the buildup of grease and dust.
  • Clean floors and baseboards: Sweep and mop floors regularly. Use a mixture of water and vinegar to clean baseboards and remove odors.

12. Using Professional Services

12 Tips for Eliminating Kitchen Odors

If kitchen odors persist despite your best efforts, consider using professional cleaning services. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to deep clean and deodorize your kitchen. They can also identify and address hidden sources of odors that may be difficult to tackle on your own.


Dealing with kitchen odors requires a combination of regular cleaning, maintenance, and preventive measures. By identifying the source of odors and using natural deodorizers, ventilation, and proper cleaning techniques, you can keep your kitchen smelling fresh and inviting. Incorporate these tips and tricks into your routine to enjoy a pleasant and odor-free kitchen environment. Remember, a clean and fresh-smelling kitchen not only enhances your cooking experience but also contributes to a healthier and more enjoyable home.

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Welcome! I'm Daniella Genovese, a dedicated content writer with a flair for home decor and interior design. Join me as I explore the latest trends, offer DIY tips, and guide you in making your home a beautiful and inviting space.